
Molcajete 1 Persona

Molcajete caliente servido con cecina, tasajo, chorizo, orden de tortillas, arroz y frijoles.
Extremely hot molcajete topped with cecina, tasajo, chorizo and order of rice, beans & tortilla.


Molcajete 2 Personas

Molcajete caliente servido con cecina, tasajo, chorizo, orden de tortillas, arroz y frijoles.
Extremely hot molcajete topped with cecina, tasajo, chorizo and order of rice, beans & tortilla.


Tlayuda Regular

Tortilla grande cubierta con manteca de puerco, pure de frijol, repollo, jitomate y carne de su preferencia.
Large corn tortilla spread with special pork fat, bean puree, topped with fresh shredded cabbage, slice tomatoes and your choice of meat.


Tlayuda Mixta

Tortilla grande cubierta con manteca de puerco, pure de frijol, repollo, jitomate y carne de su preferencia.
Large corn tortilla spread with special pork fat, bean puree, topped with fresh shredded cabbage, slice tomatoes and your choice of meat.


Torta Cubana Regular

Salchicha, cecina, milanesa, jamón, quesillo, huevo, frijoles, lechuga, jitomate y mayonesa.
Oaxaca sandwich on a mexican roll with sausage, cecina, milanesa, ham, quesillo, eggs, bean, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise.


Torta Cubana Larga

Salchicha, cecina, milanesa, jamón, quesillo, huevo, frijoles, lechuga, jitomate y mayonesa.
Oaxaca sandwich on a mexican roll with sausage, cecina, milanesa, ham, quesillo, eggs, bean, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise.



Tortilla de maíz con carne, cebolla y cilantro.
Your choice of meat, onion and cilantro.



Con carne de su preferencia, cebolla y cilantro.
Your choice of meat, onion and cilantro. rice and beans.
